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Task 1

Question 1. Who was one of the founders of sociology?

1. Comte;

2. Popper;

3. L. Mechnikov.

Question 2. How many major groups of theoretical and methodological concepts of the subject of sociology you know?

1. 1;

2. 2;

3. 3.

Question 3. How many main points distinguish a sociological perspective on the world of everyday ideas about it?

1. 1;

2. 2;

3. 3.

Question 4. The level and nature of the sociology of knowledge can be:

1. Theoretical;

2. The application;

3. All of the above.

Question 5: Who developed the theory of ethnomethodology?

1. J.. Homans;

2. Mr. Garfinkel;

3. E. Hoffman.

Task 2

Question 1. What is characteristic of the supporters of symbolic interactionism?

1. they analyze the behavior of people in their daily lives;

2. they allocate values \u200b\u200bthat people attach to their actions;

3. All of the above.

Question 2. Who are the scientists called the sociology of "social physics"?

1. N. Mikhailovsky;

2. A. Giddens;

3. Comte.

Question 3. What methods are used by sociologists?

1. The methods of collecting and processing of social facts;

2. Methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis;

3. All of the above.

Question 4. How many isolated functions of sociology?

1. two;

2. four;

3. six.

Question 5: What does the concept of "social"?

1. the social system, the social structure;

2. social group;

3. All of the above.

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