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Practical work on the subject of the Land Law 2, 10 jobs.

Task 1.

The members of a peasant (farmer's) economy of the Saratov region appealed to the district court against the head of the local administration on the recognition of wrongful denial of their land.

What decision must take the court? Justify your answer.

Task 2.

Citizen Ivanov AP He appealed to the district court for recognition of wrongful termination of the local government ownership of land belonging to him.

What decision must take the court? Justify your answer.

Task 3.

Employee-profit agricultural organization, has worked for 2 years, it was denied official allotment. In this regard, he appealed to the court for recognition of unlawful refusal to grant him official allotment. What decision must take the court? Justify your answer.

Task 4.

The land owner Vladimir Petrov He filed a lawsuit against the local administration, which demanded compensation for losses caused by contamination of the land. What decision must take the court? Justify your answer.

Task 5.

Citizen Sidorov AM go to court with a claim against the local administration about

Recognition of unlawful refusal to grant him land

for the construction of individual houses.

What decision must take the court? Justify your answer.

Task 6.

Citizen Novikov decided to buy a citizen Kovalev cottage with land. After drawing up a contract of sale, they turned into a branch Rosreestra for registration of the contract. The registration was denied on the grounds that the contract is not certified by a notary, and the land has no cadastral number. Whether the refusal is legitimate?

Since when the transfer of ownership upon transfer of immovable property, in particular the alienation of the contract of sale?

Solve the case.

Task 7.

At the general meeting of gardening association "Sunrise" considered the possibility of bringing to justice members of the partnership, D., who used his land, with the result that it was overgrown with weeds, spread to neighboring areas. J. stated that he was using his land for recreation, as being the owner of the site has the right to use it at their own discretion.

What are the responsibilities of owners, land users and landowners to protect the land, including weed control?

What establishes liability for failure to take measures to combat weeds and other violations of the law in the area of \u200b\u200bland?

What measures can be taken in the likeness? GOVERNMENTAL cases?

Solve the case.

Task 8.

Head of Administration of the Moscow Region Mytishchi district? Ti accepted the post? Lished on changing purpose of land Farmhouse? Vennogo destination IP "sticky" on the land area of \u200b\u200b10.7 hectares (including arable land - 2.5 hectares, pastures - 4,0 ha under construction? E - 4.2 hectares) near p. Veshki Mytishchi district of the ground about? industry.

Whether a head of administration of the Mytishchi district to change purpose of these lands?

Task 9.

Citizen K, a member of the Second World War, had owned a plot of land with a house in the village of Specific Ramenskoye district of Moscow region. April 4, 1997 he died. His heir is a daughter in law. In early May 1997, she filed a notary at the location of the land application of acceptance legacy? CTBA. In November 1997, her right to inheritance have been issued, and in early 1998, it had issued a document certifying the right to land.

Tax Inspectorate sent notice of its outstanding zadol? Intensity to pay land tax for the year 1997.

Since when there was no obligation to pay land tax? Subject to any payment of land tax for 1997. It counts? Solve the case.

Задание 10.
Гр-н Русаков, имея на праве постоянного бессрочного пользова?ния земельный участок, предоставленный ему для дачного хозяйства в 1982 году, обратился в местную администрацию с заявлением о предоставлении в собственность этого земельного участка. Решением местной администрации ему было отказано в перерегистрации зе?мельного участка на праве собственности и предложено заключить договор долгосрочной аренды этого земельного участка. Гр-н Русаков обжаловал решение местной администрации в суд.
Подлежит ли удовлетворению жалоба гр-на Русакова?
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