In given work is present the test on discipline russian business right.
The Subject of the analysis:
1) of the article 10-14, 23, 34, 36, 50-51 (Law about protection of the competitions 135-FZ) 2) of the article 153, 166, 167, 168, 173.1, 180, 181, 1222 (GK RF)
The Questions for analysis:
1.Каковы legal consequences of the deals, breaking Law about protection of the competitions?
2.Какое influence and on that renders the confession of the agreement (his(its) part) void because of his(its) discrepancies Law about protection of the competitions?
3.Кто, where and with what requirement has a right to apply to event if deal does not correspond to the Law about protection of the competitions?
ORIGINALITY (on condition on 17.11.2014) - 88.77% (Very high) Date writing the work: 2014 Work is protected on "OTL"
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Remember, - buy prepare work much выгоднее than book similar in special agency, agency, site or beside private citizen.
Spare itself time, nerves and power! ;)
30.04.2016 14:32:05
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