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Using this product you can get the unlock code for Yota 4G modem and Wi-Fi modem Yota 4G IMEI with the LTE starting at 35561106 and firmware version [YRMR1_1.xx] and [YRWMR1_x.xx] respectively. If you have another type of router, then do not buy this product.

To obtain the unlock code you are required to:
1. Download the application SWF2 Reader Tool: https://3ginfo.ru/downloads1543.html.
2. Remove the SIM-card modem, connect it via USB.
3. Make sure that your modem is available through the web-interface (, ie you can go to the modem web-based interface in the browser and press "1. Read Data" in SWF2 Reader Tool.
4. As a result, similar to the following in the log window, you will have:

Device Name: Wi-Fi Modem YOTA 4G LTE
Firmware Version: (12/24/2014) @ svn994_YDR0036_2015-01-27-10-35-18
IMEI: 3556110xxxxxxxx
Serial: 1529Fxxxxxxx
Transfer: OK
Result: OK

Firmware Name: STWMR1_1.05
IMEI: 3556110xxxxxxxx
- [Begin Encrypted Block] -
--- [End Encrypted Block] ---

System will be reboot in 1-2 minutes ...

5. After that, the modem will restart automatically. A sign of a successful reading of data is to display the IMEI and Encrypted Block in the log window.
6. If the information for some reason has been read correctly, for example, you see a message in the log type Error [x] ... Try again after reboot! Try to reconnect the modem to the PC (ie, pull it out and insert the new, make sure that he was determined, and web-based interface is available) and a re-reading of the data.
7. Once you have successfully subtracted from the data modem, proceed to purchase the unlock code.
8. After receiving the unlock code, run SWF2 Reader Tool application in the NCK field, enter the code and press the button 2.Unlock. Pre-need to connect the modem to the USB port of a PC without simkarty.

Immediately after payment you will receive a form to fill in the registration data, which will need to fill in the following fields:
- E-mail address (email);
- Encrypted Block;
- Modem Model;
- Contact number;
These data will be transferred to the seller to complete the transaction of purchase and sale of goods.
29.09.2024 19:05:48
Спасибо за представленную услугу!
08.05.2024 11:44:51
Все хорошо, работает.
19.01.2024 20:50:44
Все работает. Модем разблокирован. Спасибо!
15.04.2022 8:39:53
все прошло успешно рекомендую !!!!
16.02.2022 15:22:58
Получил через 4 часа, разлочил модем, все отлично. Советую!

Ps. Покупайте внимательно к своему модему, а то я дурак. Сначала купил не то но эт мой косяк)
28.12.2021 22:15:48
5 часов ждал код но прислали очень хорошо рекомендую!
21.11.2020 16:47:51
Все супер, довольно быстро (хотя оф.йота сказала что мол нельзя его разблокировать мол у них официально, но тут все топ)
07.11.2020 10:04:13
Разблокировал второй раз. Всё чётко
07.11.2020 8:48:43
Прадовец оперативно все сделал и отправил код, модем разблокировал, работает с симкой билайн у меня. С этим продавцом можно иметь дело.
22.10.2020 20:08:41
Оперативная разблокировка, честный продавец! +10 за оперативный и качественный сервис