Content: Гражданский процесс кр,ч5,1в,4 задачи ответы(D-oZ).rar (10.98 KB)
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Civil process control, part 5, 1 option, 4 tasks.
Option 1
Problem 1. Between Streltsova EN and Streltsov A.D. an agreement was concluded in accordance with which Streltsova E.N. She undertook not to go to court with a claim for the recovery of alimony for a minor son, provided that the child´s father was A.D. will be evicted from the occupied premises, will be removed from the registration. After Alexander A. Streltsov. fulfilled the promised, Streltsova EN appealed to the court with a claim for recovery of alimony for a child. The defendant objected to the satisfaction of the claim, referring to the agreement reached earlier. Can I renounce my right to apply to the court? Are the arguments of the defendant legitimate? Can the claim of Streltsova EN be essentially considered? about collecting alimony? Is it possible to consider, as a refusal from judicial protection, the transfer of a dispute to an arbitration court?
Task 2. The court reviewed the case of recovery of alimony. The judge acknowledged the obligatory appearance of the
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11.01.2018 21:09:30
спасибо за оперативность, в тексте есть ошибки орфографии, но это не страшно)))))