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Mandatory tasks for implementation in the discipline "Public Relations in Government" MIBIC Test for EXCELLENT

1. PR as a science and as a technology have developed:
A. from the middle of the 19th century
B. in the late 19th century
V. from the middle of the 20th century
G. in the early 20th century
2. For the success of PR-activities it is necessary:
A. only direct links to objects
B. only feedbacks to objects
B. lack of any links
D. forward and backward connections
3. Subjects of PR can be:
A. a separate person
B. Public Relations Organization
B. group of people who have professional experience in the field of PR
G. All of the above
4. When the basic principles of PR-activity were formulated
A. 20-ies. 20th century
B. 50-ies. 20th century
B. The 70-ies. 20th century
G. 90-ies. 20th century
5. Which of the listed functions does not belong to the functions of PR-activity?
A. Research
B. organizational
V. distribution
D. Planning
6. PR-activity is based on:
A. norms of morality
B. Norms of Law
V. National traditions
D. religious norms
7. The concept of public opinion appeared for the first time in:
A. in the first half of the 19th century.
B. in the late 18 century.
V. in the second half of the 19th century.
G. in the first third of the 20th century.
8. The concept of public opinion was first developed:
But in Russia
B. in Germany
V. in France
G. in the USA
9. The final stage in the formation of the image is:
A. development of an action strategy for the relevant services of the organization
B. designing the image of the organization
B. control, adjustment of intermediate results
D. Identification of the organization.
10. What kind of science helps to master the PR-managers of basic skills and
Speech and monologue skills?
A. Sociology
B. Psychology
B. rhetoric
G. marketing.
11. The relation in the philosophical sense is interpreted as
A. the interdependence of the elements of a particular system
B. interaction of elements of a particular system
B. Interaction of elements of a particular system
D. Communication.
12. What do you think of the work of the press secretary as correct?
A. This is the same journalist, only receives a salary not in the editorial office
B. is a journalist who is not able to work creatively, because he is serving in
V. The work of a press secretary requires special qualifications, not every journalist
can be a spokesperson
G. there is no such profession.
13. Which statement about the press release is correct?
A. The press release is sent to all organizations and the media
B. Press release can be sent only in the media.
C. The press release is sent only by post.
G. The press release is sent to the EMS.
14. Press conference - an event that, regardless of the topic, is necessary
invite politicians, famous people. This will increase the credibility of the organization. Your
variant of the evaluation of this thesis.
A. No, this is not true, because press conference is an event for journalists. On their
questions are answered by representatives of the organization that conducts press-
the conference
B. Yes, it is possible, it is decided by the organizers
C. Wrong options
G. there is no such event.
15. Comparison of the concepts of "press conference" and "briefing".
A. press conference and briefing -the concepts are identical
B. Briefing is possible without dialogue
There is no briefing in politics.
G. Press conference is conducted only by official organizations
16. The concept of PR-text.
A. There are no differences between PR-text and journalistic
B. loyalty to the basic PR-sub-object is distinguished by PR-text
V. Journalists are more subjective than authors of PR-texts
D. electronic text.
17. Functions of PR-specialist, press-secretary and journalist: comparison.
A. The functions of the press secretary and journalist are identical
B. The functions of the press secretary and PR-specialist are identical
V. Press Secretary ensures the work of the organization with journalists
G. works with the media.
18. Working with the media in government
A. Press services in government bodies work on the basis of unified, centralized
descending from above the Regulations
B. Press Service in the government holds not only press conferences, but also other
media events
B. accreditation of journalists in government bodies is carried out by the press service and at its
D. There are no such services.
19. Speech as a kind of oral communication in public relations (PR)
A. Speech is always an improvisation
B. Speech is pronounced according to a previously prepared "piece of paper"
V. Speech is a short speech, in which it is necessary to mention several times the name
organizations, observe other technological rules
G. Conflict resolution
20. Working with the media in public relations
A. In working with the media it is impossible to follow the preconceived plans
B. working with the media in public relations is media planning
V. media planning is used not only in advertising activities
G. is carried out through the head of the LSG.
21. Public relations (PR) in government
A. apply only to executive bodies of power
B. applies only to legislative authorities
V. Public relations (PR) functions in government often perform
several units (services)
D. Applied before the election.
22. What does the principle of feedback in relation to the public mean?
A. This is a technical concept
B. this means - to receive a response to a letter or article
This is an important principle for obtaining an interested response to the target audience in
response to a share
D. hard written response.
23. Spheres of application of public relations:
A. only in large organizations
B. mainly in solving political problems
V. in those areas where there is competition
G. in a democratic state.
24. Public relations (PR) in the political sphere.
A. Russian public relations (PR) began with political campaigns
B. in the political sphere of public relations (PR) is the manipulation
public opinion
V. Politics and honesty are incompatible
D. Politics and corruption are inseparable.
25. The basic PR-subject in election campaigns is
A. Political party or individual politician
B. The target audience of a political party
B. All the population of the country
D. A separate voter.
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