Thesis management: Development of employee motivation system (for example, the company "VkusVill")
Thesis in 2017, 66 pages.
Document Format: .doc
Table of contents
Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of employee motivation systems
1.1 Content theories of motivation
1.2 Employee motivation systems
1.3 Types of incentive programs and process approaches to motivation
Chapter 2. Analysis of the effectiveness of the company "VkusVill" and its employee motivation system
2.1 Description and analysis of the company
2.2 Evaluation of the system of motivation of the company “TasteVille
2.3 Analysis of the effectiveness of the motivation management system in the company “VkusVill” Chapter
3. The draft practical recommendations for improving the motivational structure of the company "Vkusvill"
3.1 Improving the system of motivation of employees of the company “VkusVill”
3.2 Reforming the management system in the field of motivation in the company “VkusVill”
3.3 Assessment of the effectiveness of the motivation system in the company “VkusVill”
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