Water from node A to node B is supplied by three lines of a horizontal pipeline having the following characteristics:
Given: l1 = 500 5N2 = 2500m; l2 = 300 5N2 = 2300m; l3 = 400 5N2 = 2400m; d1 = 250 mm = 0.25m; d2 = 300 mm = 0.3m; d3 = 150mm = 0.15m
The water flow in node A is Q = 210 l / s = 0.21m3 / s
Required: 1) On graph paper to build the characteristics of the pipelines of individual lines and the total characteristic of the pipeline.
2) Determine the water flow in individual lines Q1, Q2 and Q3
3) Using the obtained schedule (see section 1 of the task), determine the pressure loss between the nodes A and B with an increase in flow rate in the node A by 1.25 times. Compare the obtained value with the calculated value.
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