Answers to the test Fundamentals of Psychogenetics (with a score of 90 points)
Genes are located on chromosomes...
in pairs
at special sites called loci
consecutively, one after the other
The genotype is...
human chromosome set
the totality of an individual´s genes
the totality of all alleles of an individual
all chromosomes obtained at conception
genetic constitution
Allele is
the name of a specific gene
gene state
one of the structural variants of the gene
the result of a gene mutation
During meiosis...
The nucleus is divided twice
the number of chromosomes does not change
duplication of chromosomes occurs
two eggs are produced
four cycles of cell divisions
It is not true that the component of phenotypic variance is...
genetic dispersion
environmental dispersion
genetic dispersion
genotype-environment interaction
Genotype-environment covariance
correlation between relatives
Recombination of chromosomes and genes takes place:
during meiosis
during the formation of somatic cells
in the process of crossing over
during any cell division
with mutations
The similarity between relatives may arise due to ...
similar intrauterine developmental conditions
similar environmental conditions
the presence of genes derived from common ancestors
identical karyotypes of parents
recombination of genes in parents
The twin situation is...
multiple pregnancy
competition between twins
conflict between twins
psychological situation in a family raising twins
Karyotype is...
composition of an individual´s genes
set of chromosomes in somatic cells
haploid set of chromosomes
The founder of psychogenetics is ...
F. Galton
G. Mendel
T. Morgan
C. Darwin
G. Siemens
In psychogenetics, such a concept is used, synonymous with the concept of "dispersion", as "..."
standard deviation
interaction of genotype and environment
phenotypic structure
spread of values
Genetic information is encoded...
during asexual reproduction
in cloned organisms
in isolated populations
in pure lines of plants and animals
early stages of embryogenesis
homologous chromosomes...
present only in germ cells
represented by maternal and paternal chromosomes
have the same pair of alleles
have a similar structure
conjugate in meiosis
Children of the same parents (not twins) are never genetically identical because...
their conception does not occur at the same time
recombination processes take place
parents have different karyotypes
mutations take place
crossing over can lead to the exchange of regions of homologous chromosomes
It is not true that the phenotype...
absent in the early stages of embryonic development
depends on the genotype
arises in the course of individual development
entirely determined by the conditions of development
is laid at the time of conception and remains unchanged
Homozygous is called...
organisms with identical alleles on homologous chromosomes
paired chromosomes
identical twins
loci of the same gene
The classic twin method is based on three main assumptions...
about the absence of systematic differences between MZ- and DZ-twins
about equality of environments among partners
about the lack of maternal effect
about the absence of systematic differences between twins and non-twins
about the absence of genetic recombination
When raising MZ twins, you can get positive effects, ...
try not to separate them
do more with each one individually
give them more time to spend with each other
highlight their similarities
put them in different kindergarten groups and different school classes
give each one a separate assignment
dress the same
Zygosity of twins is...
similarity of genotypes
homozygous or heterozygous state
origin from a single zygote
belonging to a cer