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Leading Clinical Psychology Test Synergy Responses
30 questions - rating Good
Psychological and behavioral factors associated with disorders or diseases classified in other sections, according to the ICD-10 system, are designated as ...
V-I 189/9

In Russia, the founder of research conducted in line with pathological psychology was ...
B.D. Karvasar
V.M. Ankylosing spondylitis
A.R. Luria
K.K. Platonov
V.N. Myasishchev

According to E. Berne, a person can distinguish six types of hunger, in particular, hunger for ...
sensory stimulation
safety and comfort
contact and physical stroking
structuring time

The father of a drug-dependent person is most likely to be characterized by personality traits such as ...
increased demands on yourself and your environment (in particular, the child, wife)
emotional responsiveness and the ability to establish emotional contact with people
unwillingness to reckon with individual, age-related characteristics and situational moments
excessive practicality and ambition
complacency and an overestimation of one’s own abilities

The methods of pathopsychology and psychopathology are ... respectively
observation method and description method
a method for observing and collecting anamnesis and a method for describing and classifying mental disorders
experimental method and observation method
experimental method and clinical method

The difference between pathopsychology and psychopathology as part of medicine is that ...
pathopsychology deals only with borderline conditions, and psychopathology deals with mental disorders
pathopsychology uses non-standardized research methods, and psychopathology uses standardized
pathopsychology identifies and qualifies the observed mental disorders, and psychopathology explores the patterns of decay of mental activity in comparison with the course of mental processes in normal
the research method in pathopsychology is an experiment, and the research method in psychopathology is a clinical one (observation and description)

A qualitative type of memory impairment is ...

Compare the names of the psychological concepts of psychosomatic disorders with their contents:
A. Psychoanalytic concepts
B. The concept of hostility
C. Alexander´s theory of specific psychodynamic conflict
D. Characterologically oriented directions and typologies of personality
E. according to this concept, people with different physical constitutions have different characters and suffer from diseases specific for this type of personality
F. According to this concept, anger and hostility can play a significant role in the etiology of various serious somatic diseases.
G. according to this concept, socially unacceptable instincts (aggressive, sexual) forced out of consciousness break through, assuming one or another symbolic form
H. According to this concept, unreacted emotion leads to chronic autonomic shifts and organ destruction

According to the concept of L.S. Vygotsky, functional systems that ...
have the lowest rate of stiffness-plasticity in the work of individual parts of the system
turned out to be the least mediated at this stage of development
have the shortest development cycle
formed before other functional systems

The main task of psychotherapy for patients with psychosomatic disorders is ...
prepare the patient for verbalization of their experiences
help the patient realize the deficiency of the image of his "I"
help the patient relate their somatic complaints to emotional conflicts
to reveal the latent embittance of the patient and help to correct it during psychotherapy

The fourth axis (axis IV) in the ICD-10 classification system includes ...
previous psychosocial stress (divorce, trauma, death of loved ones)
all somatic and psychosomatic diseases ..
Relate the type of dysontogenesis to the cause of it:
A. Damaged development
B. Deficit development
C. Underdevelopment
D. Asynchronous development
E. Stop, developmental delay
F. developmental failure

The interpersonal perspective of research on mental disorders includes examining the disorder ...
patterns of functioning of mental functions
in violation of systems at various levels
individual mental functions
induced character manifesting in social groups

In Russia, for a long time, clinical psychology has been designated as ...
psychology of abnormal development
psychology of special conditions of the psyche
medical psychology

Relate the serial number of the functional block of the brain with its specific role in the performance of mental functions:
A. Second block
B. Third block
C. First block
D. performs the functions of programming, regulation and control over the course of mental (conscious) activity
E. performs the functions of receiving, processing and storing exteroceptive information
F. regulates general changes in brain activation (brain tone necessary to perform any mental activity, level of wakefulness)

The discipline that studies the features of the partial dominance of brain zones is called
childhood neuropsychology
psychophysiological neuropsychology
clinical neuropsychology
neuropsychology of individual differences

The concept of “dysontogenesis” was introduced in 1927 to indicate violations of the fetal development of the fetus ...
V.V. Lebedinsky
A.V. Semenovich
L.S. Vygotsky
J. Schwalbe

Compare the types of suicidal behavior with their description (according to the classification of E. Durkheim):
A. Selfish Type
B. Anomic type
C. Altruistic type
D. connected with crisis situations in life, personal tragedies
E. due to the conflict, which is formed in connection with the unacceptability for a particular individual of social requirements, norms of behavior imposed by society on man
F. done for the good of others

The DSM-5 Mental Disorders Classification System was published in ...
2017 year
2012 year
2013 year
2000 year

The level of mental health, which, according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), allows the presence of sharpening traits of a person’s character due to increased vulnerability to certain life situations.
Accentuation level
Average level
Pre-disease level
Reference Health Level
Constitutional level

Compare the type of deviant behavior with its definition:
A. Delinquent type
B. Pathological type
C. Psychopathological typology
D. Addictive Type
E. avoiding reality by artificially changing one’s mental state in order to develop and maintain intense emotions
F. behavior based on psychopathological symptoms and syndromes - manifestations of certain mental disorders and diseases
G. deviant behavior, in its extreme manifestations representing a criminal offense
H. Behavior due to pathological changes in character that have developed in the process of education
In a pathopsychological experiment, methods such as ...
“Mirror letters” test, “Blind hours” test
crossed out images, Poppelreiter’s figures, incomplete images, proof-reading, Schulte tables, Munsterberg’s technique
classification of objects, exclusion of objects, simple and complex analogies

The characteristics of a dysfunctional family, leading to the development of co-dependence, include ...
preoccupation with family problems and the desire to involve third parties in its solution
the boundaries of personality are either mixed or tightly divided by an invisible wall
vacuum of intimacy
family conflict avoidance
the indifference of the "I" of each member ("If mom is angry, then everyone is angry")
frequent change of family rules

Arrange the degrees of stunning consciousness in order from lightest to heaviest:
4 sopor
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