⭐️ ⭐️ Dear customers! ⭐️ ⭐️
In order to avoid misunderstandings from now on, it is necessary to record the fact of the purchase of goods on the video until the moment you enter the email / account using the provided data. Customer complaints regarding incorrect data will be considered only if the buyer provides a video in which the purchase of the goods and an attempt to enter using the purchased data will be captured. These rules apply to everyone. Seller reserves the right to refuse support without providing a video.
After payment you will receive an activation code for itunes Gift Card 10$. The activation code will be sent to your mail immediately after payment. More detailed information about the product will be presented below.
*************************** *****************************
Name: itunes Card 10 $
Product type: Activation code
Activation (use) region: USA
Validity: Unlimited
Guarantee: Yes
01.09.2024 10:07:30
Все отлично👍🏻
17.09.2023 21:09:57