After purchase You will obtain KEY for activating software the product indicated. Purchase ID is 16 characters long, use it to get the product code on the merchant site. Date of the output: October 8, 2020.
The rating dependent on age: 12
Developer: Guin Entertainment
Publisher: Graffiti Games
Localization: Russian (interface and subtitles)
Activation system: Steam
Region: Russia
Wow! He did not think that you as far as this will read… Awesome! By the way, me they call Chris. And to me it does not suffer itself to describe to you about its game! This is adventure platformer in the spirit of the 90th o, it would seem, “usual” events, which occurred with me in 1995, when I still was chubby school child. Specifically, because of these events for me it was possible to see peace, to obtain many useful abilities and… to fall into the hands of the cartoon villains, who converted me into the genuine sphere. But do not be disturbed: I could from them flee and turned my unusualness into the super-ability. Learned pulyat by the fireballs, to skip as basketball ball, and instantly to be moved from one continent to the next. Here is this here interesting history… well, as it seems me. I hope, and it will be pleased to you. (Personally I it was in the complete enthusiasm, working at it.)
Special features:Learn the gloomy history, which this at first glance amusing cartoon peace hides.
Investigate in the arbitrary order 9 regions, situated around the world, and also the Kingdom of the Lost Spheres and not only!
Help Chris to become from the typical dweeb genuine hero, after allotting his special methods and abilities, which can be tuned to their taste.
You will study the powerful incantations also of technology (or acquire).
Battle with the eccentric villains around the world, among whom to you will be encountered the cat-Samurai, penguin-cyborgs and whining vampirenyshi.
You steam and fall, passing the unique tasks of platformera.
Two full additional regimes of game with the bonus content — more complex and terrifically more laughable nasty regime, and also regime with the commentaries of developers.
Diverse razblokiruemyy content and the solution of the secrets, which will allow you to learn about heroes and their peace more.
The numerous tuning of the level of complexity, including “laughably easily” for those, who do not love to die, and “it is difficult on the hitching post” for all, who not in their mind.
Laugh to the tears above endlessly jokes and causticities.
21.08.2023 20:55:52
Ключ пришел.
20.11.2021 21:05:10
Небольшое ожидание, но в целом пойдёт, товар был получен и его активация прошла без каких либо проблем!)