After payment, you will instantly receive an official key for an Xbox Game Pass for PC subscription for 1 month!
Only new Xbox Game Pass subscribers can get 1 month of Xbox Game Pass for PC! If you´ve ever had or currently have an Xbox Game Pass for PC or Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for PC, you won´t be able to redeem the code!
Valid until 09/01/2024, HOWEVER, you must activate immediately in any case, since the guarantee at the time of sale (60 minutes after the purchase) and it is better not to postpone the activation!
Important note! This is XBOX GAME PASS for PC - not XBOX GAME PASS for XBOX!
For other countries, you will need to change the country to USA, Europe. Changing the address and region of the Microsoft account occurs in the settings at this link - If neither one nor the other helped - create a new account using a VPN with the US region and when registering, indicate the country of residence of the US or Europe.
You can also try THIS way:
1) In Windows 10, go to the Start menu.
2) Enter "Regional Options" and open Regional Options.
3) Change the country or region to Germany and close the Regional parameters.
4) Open the Xbox app and at the top right click on the profile and find "Settings".
4) Open the Xbox app and at the top right click on the profile and find "Settings".
5) Find the Redeem code and click the ACTIVATE button, there should be a country Germany.
6) Enter the activation code and click Next.
7) Converting the status, click Continue.
8) Attach the payment method and click Confirm. (enter random data where necessary)
9) Everything is ready.
To activate the code - you need to link a bank card! After the end of the subscription, you will be charged for its renewal at the current price at that time. If you want to avoid charges, I advise you to unlink your payment data a day before the end of the subscription! Also, if you change the country of your account to the USA, you will not be able to change the region back until 3 months have passed! Therefore, when buying, keep in mind that there is a possibility that you will need to change the country of your account upon activation!