Content: Профиля форумы (250 шт).rar (24.04 KB)
Uploaded: 09.04.2022

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The database of trust sites is more than 250 pieces (2022) broken down by subject (medicine, goods and services, education, sports, etc.).

This database is designed to promote sites in search engines for low, medium, and low-competitive high-frequency queries, by placing links on trusted donor sites. Designed for manual resource registration.

There are 250 sites in the database, where you can put an active link to the site in the user´s forum profile.

In some databases, you can embed near-link text in additional fields, in some anchor links. The base was collected manually from links taken from Yandex Webmaster from my sites.

X sites: from 10 to 17500

What gives the placement of links in the database:
- Increasing the reference mass;
- Speeding up the indexing of new materials on your site;
- Increasing the position of your site for midrange and low-frequency requests.

Upon purchase, you will receive an Excel file (*.xlxs) with a list of sites and examples of link placement.

Many other databases can be viewed in my profile.
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