We are happy to provide you with the opportunity to download games from the purchased account to your personal profile and enjoy playing your favorite games without paying to the blocking of Nintendo in Russia.
🎁 There may be additional games on the account as a bonus.
🎁Russian language is PRESENT, provided that the game was translated.
🎁 For a positive review, you get a 5% discount on new purchases in our store.
✔️ Instructions for use will be sent in personal correspondence after payment for the goods.
There may be additional games on your account as a bonus.
After payment you will receive a unique 16-digit payment confirmation code.
To complete the transaction, follow these steps:
Option A:
1) On the purchase page, under the "contact details" and "additional information" form, check the checkbox opposite "yes, I want to immediately send a unique code to the seller."
2) Click "SAVE". (The code will be sent to the seller automatically).
Option B:
1) On the purchase page, copy the received unique code to the clipboard.
2) Scroll down the page and click the "CORRESPONDENCE WITH SELLER" button.
3) Paste the unique code from the clipboard into the message and click "SEND MESSAGE".
This guide is a must for everyone!
Until we receive a CODE confirming payment from you, no action will be taken on your application.
Send CODE immediately. Do not waste your and my time on unnecessary correspondence
The goods will be issued within 24 hours from the date of purchase. (As a rule, the goods are issued from 9-21 Moscow time). YOU will be notified about this.
Before buying, read the rules for using the account:
•Account is non-refundable (Replacement only in case of inoperability).
•Data from the account DO NOT CHANGE under any circumstances
• You are obliged to play ONLY through your personal profile without deleting the created user.
• Re-entry to the purchased profile is FORBIDDEN, the license will fly off and a lock will appear on the games
•Offline mode gives a lifetime guarantee of the game´s performance. In online mode, there is a risk of an account crash.
• If you do not agree with these terms, please do not buy this product.
13.11.2024 10:41:55
Все работает. Спасибо!
11.09.2024 16:38:19
Все отлично. Товар доставлен вовремя, инструкция подробная, все подводные камни указаны в описании до покупки. Игра работает
21.07.2024 16:46:26
Все отлично, спасибо)
29.03.2024 21:54:55
Maroon is excellent, I know it was late in the day for them in their time zone so I definitely appreciate the willingness to help me, they didn´t have to go through all that but they made sure I felt appreciated. Account even came with other games as well.
20.03.2024 23:18:50
Все быстро , на все вопросы ответили, инструкция понятная.
12.03.2024 23:24:07
Товар доставлен
03.12.2023 20:50:37
Всё работает, удобная инструкция. На аккаунте были ещё игры. Спасибо продавцу.
24.08.2023 19:48:42
a bit slow this time but got it done
13.05.2023 15:04:52
Все быстро и четко, на все вопросы ответили, инструкция понятная. На аккаунте были еще игры