⭕️After registering on the Telegram social network, you must activate your account via SMS. A virtual number allows you to bypass the verification process without using a personal number by using a temporary virtual phone number.
Trust us with +100 sales and positive reviews and rest assured that we will provide the highest quality virtual numbers in this market.🎉
🔸You will not have to pay the monthly rates of mobile phone operators
🔸Suitable for embargoed countries and access to Premium Telegram
🔸Suitable for businesses (advertising, commercial, etc.)
🔸Permanent and lifelong use
🔸Airdrop bots
📌For a better login, use the original version of Telegram
📩Enter the number sent by the seller and press the receive code button and wait for the seller to send you the confirmation code via chat.
💙Send the unique 16-digit code obtained after payment to the seller in your conversation (located at the bottom of the order page after successful payment.
✅Frequently asked questions about creating a Telegram account with a virtual number
🔹Note that some versions of Telegram send the code after 2 minutes, but usually the code is sent in the first 2-3 minutes.
✅Can I transfer the virtual number to another device, example (pc or other mobile phone)?
🔹Yes of course, You can transfer the number to another device by entering the number on the other device and entering the code that is sent to the main Telegram.
✅How long will this number work for me?
🔹The number provided to you is permanent and for life, unless you want to delete your account.
✅Can I enable two-step code after login?
🔹Yes, after receiving the verification code, you can immediately complete the account security measures using your personal email
✅Can I participate in Telegram airdrops(bot)?
🔹Yes, you can participate in any airdrop (bot) , the virtual number will allow you to attract more points.
13.08.2024 13:49:16
Very fast seller helpful I got it twice and I will continue with work him. Safe reliable my bro 💕❤️
11.08.2024 23:54:41
Быстро закончили, с первого раза не вышло, не приходил код, поменяли на другой номер после чего все получилось!) Единственное что смущает, это то что аккаунт не новый, кто то в него заходил и привязывал двухэтапную аутентификацию несколько дней назад, разумеется я обновил и сделал свою двухэтапную аутентификацию, надеюсь все будет хорошо, если что изменю отзыв.
11.08.2024 10:45:56
all good!
06.08.2024 21:02:16
It works, thanks
06.08.2024 20:03:31
Все ок, спасибо!
06.08.2024 19:28:35
06.08.2024 17:04:48
worked out in no time! awesome sauce
05.08.2024 19:49:36
буквально за 5 минут все сделали, пока все работает