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Ready answers to the test Macroeconomic planning and forecasting.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result is 95-100 points (40 questions and answers).
Below you can find questions on the Macroeconomic Planning and Forecasting test.

? rely on the use of mathematical apparatus

Algorithmic forecasting methods

Analytical forecasting methods

Intuitive forecasting methods

Expert assessment methods

? forecasts involve the use of information about the future when making decisions






A smoother time series will be obtained by using ? simple

moving average






When smoothing a moving average time series with the length of the interval

smoothing l =2p+1 are lost? levels

only the last l

first and last l

first and last p

only the first l

only the first ones

The main factors of economic growth include:

investment size

population size, investment size and demand stimulation

demand stimulation

The main problem causing the need for planning and

forecasting at the state level - this is?

shortage of natural resources

growth of social tension in society

political and economic crises

meeting ever-growing needs

Representation of time series levels yt (t = 1, 2, ?, n) in the form yt = ut * vt * st *

εt, where ut is the trend component, vt is the cyclical component, st is the seasonal component

component, εt – random component, corresponds to ?

additive model

multiplicative model

adaptive model

mixed type models

The extrapolation method in forecasting assumes?

finding forecast values within the analyzed time period

dissemination of current trends into the future

dissemination of future trends to the present period

extension of a past trend into the future

Forecasting is

mathematical model

quantitative and qualitative assessment of the development of an economic object

qualitative assessment of the future development of an economic facility

quantitative assessment of the future development of an economic object

Macroeconomic planning and forecasting is?

function of the state

function of economic entities

the task of state regulation of the economy

task of the state

The main indicator for planning and forecasting in terms of

Keynesian theory are the factors that determine?

level of social tension in society

personal savings and investments

level and dynamics of supply and demand in the market

level and dynamics of national income

A forecast with a lead period of 6 years is classified as ? forecasts

Long term




medium term

Representation of time series levels yt (t = 1, 2, ?, n) in the form yt = ut + vt + st +

εt, where ut is the trend component, vt is the cyclical component, st is the seasonal component

component, εt – random component, corresponds to ?

adaptive model

multiplicative model

additive model

mixed type models

For planning and forecasting economic growth they use?

absolute indicators

relative indicators

system of indicators


To the main indicators characterizing the economic potential

development should be attributed?

Composition and share of sectors of the national economy

labor productivity


life expectancy of the population

If the quarterly dynamics of the bank´s interest rate is presented in

table below, then the bank´s interest rate in the 6th quarter, calculated using

the average absolute increase, accurate to tenths, will be





29. When smoothing a time series, a 7-member moving average will

lost? levels

first and last 3

? refer to microeconomic forecasts

Macroeconomic forecasts

Interregional and
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