⭐️ This code is valid for the account with the EU region such as Turkey, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany, France as well as other EU countries. US region is NOT valid for this code.
🔑After payment, the key will be displayed in the browser window on the oplata.info website, and the access link will be duplicated to the specified email upon payment.
▶️Name of product: APEX LEGENDS 11500 COINS
⭐️Official game page in PS Store -
🔹Activation: Playstation Store
🔸Product type: Key activation
🌎REGION - Turkey, Poland, United Kingdom, Germany, France
🔰 Platforms: Playstation 4/5
⭐️Apex Coins are an in-game currency in Apex Legends. They can be used to buy Apex Packs, items in the Store, new Legends, and each Season’s Battle Pass.